The idea from James about a digital logging system for physical training is very interesting. Doing some searching around I found a site called that has an entire system to allow people to enter food, exercise cycles, and even suggests routines depending on certain individual goals.
The direction I'd like to take James' idea is as sort of a business model for groups and clubs that allows feedback from clients and an easy online way to track progress. Instead of the traditional clipboard and paper and filing cabinets to track client progress I would like to develop a system that provides hand-held PDA-like devices that trainers can enter in data and it would store this information. This would provide easier access to information for the trainer, and to the client by taking that data and linking it to a web-interface that is available (with an account) to see the charting of someone progress with tips and reminders from trainers.
An individual adaptation of this would be to create a site that can integrate with SMS and messaging so that people with cellphones can message in their reps/workouts/meals and have those integrated into their progress that again would be available to them via a web interface or even a message requesting status with a simple table of percentage of progress based on the individuals programmed goals.
Lots to think about and still more to research. I'd personally love to create some hand-held apps though.
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