Sunday, April 17, 2011


T-minus 12 hours 22 minutes and counting until I'm off to the airport. My sister and I both have had some crazy work schedules as of late so this couldn't come at a better time.

The 10-day forecast has a median temperature of 86. My Aunt texted me (who knew she texts!?) to tell me they have golf clubs for me to use. I'm going to see some Tampa Bay Devil Rays action. They're playing the Sox, just not the right color.  Oh well, Beer and dogs in the nice weather.

My Reading List for the trip:

Packing List:
  • 2 Golf Shirts
  • 3 Pairs of Shorts
  • 2 Pairs of Jeans
  • 5 T-shirts
  • 2 Undershirts
  • 2 Dress Shirts
  • 1 Spring Jacket
  • 1 Pair o' Slacks
  • Unmentionables (shh, don't talk about it)
  • Dress Shoes
  • Superman Hat and Awesome Yellow Plaid Flat Cap
  • 1 Hoodie
  • Toiletries (Soap, Shampoo, Shaving Schtuff, Neon Nail Polish, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrush)
  • 2 Bathing Suits
  • Running Stuff
    • 2 Shirts
    • 2 Shorts
    • 2 Pairs of Running Socks
    • Running shoes
  • Sunglasses (to wear at night)
  • Camera

Digby will be staying with the lovely folks at Sendashi Pet Resort (awww, look at the cute pogo page!!). They are great! I have been using there services for over a year and recommend them to anyone in the area. 

Time to bring Digby in! Have a great week folks! I'll post pictures when and if I remember :-D

And for those who read to the bottom, my favorite The National song, Fake Empire.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Plan within a Plan

It's official, I am taking a vacation. My sister and I are taking time off together and we will be visiting my lovely Aunt Lynda and Uncle Wayne in Florida. The whole event is something that has been only semi-planned, just how I like it. Go to Florida, stay with family, golf and relax.

Already the available time is starting to fill: visiting the Yuengling Brewery, catching a Rays game, going on a short cruise of the Keys, dinner with some of the Lessard clan who winter in the heat. I have three unplanned things that I want to do; golf, read and run. 

I heard tell that where I'll be staying has a wonderful course and I think this would be a fine time to kick off my 2011 golf season with a strong showing. Maybe I'll even break 100!! (in 9 holes). Accompanying me on my trip will be The Girl with the Dragon Tatto, The Lost Symbol, and Me Talk Pretty One Day. I want a day in the sun and at least one of these books to suck up my time. David Sedaris will most likely win, but really anything will satisfy me.

I have "The Short List"™ of races built that I want to participate in, which means I don't want to shirk on my running. 

The Short List:

More will be added as time goes on, there are plenty to choose from. I haven't registered any Tri's yet because frankly, I don't own a bike and I haven't been in a pool in long time.

In the meantime, I'll continue my original goal for 2011 to be the summer of 10ks. I will continue to work on the forefoot striking and really focus on interval training and technique.  

Ignore the advertisment part of this video, but it gives a better illustration about the benefits of a more natural stride.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pictures and Forefoot Striking

Last July I went one what was the 2nd Annual Man's weekend with a bunch of friends to Chad Skillin's family camp at Moosehead. 2010 consisted of Chad, myself, Jeff and Ryan (Parker), Ryan (Adair), and of course, Ryan (Stone). I finally got around to printing out some favorites of the pictures I took and either framing them or placing them in a photo album. Ahh, memories.

Guys at the Fire (L to R: Jeff, Chad, Stone)

Stone, Chad, Jeff, Me, Ryan P

Sunset - Long Exposer. From my perspective there was no light. 

I decided to tempt fate today and go for another run. Again, I opted to work for Forefoot striking and again it proved to be a difficult task. Spending less time worrying about pace and more on technique and focusing on how what I was doing was affecting my body I found a pretty good stride. I took it slow and steady found a good pace with mostly only forefoot striking that definitely felt a lot easier.

After lunch Becky and I checked out The Runners Alley in Manchester to see what we through of the Vibram Five Fingers. We both found them very comfortable and she picked up a pair. I was very hesitant at first because apparently I have a tall foot and they just don't fit into the sewn standard foot. The gentleman helping us advised me to try the lace variety, which the company labels as the fashionable shoe. 

They were considerably more comfortable but I opted to sleep on it. My legs are absolutely toast from the last two days.

Day off tomorrow from running methinks.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


In May 2010, I started running. Well, maybe more like jogging. Ok, walking in a strange fat-man gyration that emulated jogging. Anyway! I woke up one day and was 297 lbs (pics from a year before when I was 286lbs) and only in vague notions did I realize how I had gotten to that point.  I knew I was out of shape, and getting worse. I had spurts of trying to get fit and I never lasted longer than a month. I am a creature of habit and jumping full force into something while the rest of my life pulled at me just was unsustainable.

I started again. So what makes it different? Small changes and removing myself from the equation. Strange as it sounds it is not about my waist-line or what I think I should be doing. Granted, looking back I am happier with how I look and what I've been doing, but really it's been about achieving something. i.e. Today I will run at least half a mile, and walk the rest of the mile. Today I will try to run a full mile. Today I will try to run as much of two miles as I can. Today I will just see how fast and how far I can go, up to a mile.

Interestingly enough, I attended a project management seminar a little over a week ago and one of the key factors for success is setting aggressive but achievable goals. My goal in May of 2010 was to be able to survive a 3.1 mile race in August. Is that achievable? Absolutely. Is that aggressive? You may not think so, but when I started I couldn't run 50 yards (no exaggeration) without getting winded. The hill from the parking garage to the office could get me breathing hard, and my heart rate up. For me, that was aggressive.

Fast forward 11 months. This morning I woke up and I weighed in at 259 lbs. I ran 5.02 miles last Sunday in an hour.  I have a list of 5ks, Triathlons and even a 10k or two that I'm itching to compete in. I love this sport. It gives me something to clear my head on, something to incrementally improve on, and the culture of runners, and of race day is something that excites me.

Today I will run 3 miles, focusing on forefoot striking.